
    • Calgary is Growing – Caslys Monitors Landscape Change: Between 2022 and 2023, Calgary experienced the largest population increase in Canada, surpassing 1.6 million people. Our team at Caslys utilized Landsat satellite imagery and our new Caslys Analysis Ready Data (CARD) Stack processes to explore how the landscape has changed over the past 20+ years. There have been some significant growth spurts! Check out the full article for an animated look at how the Blue Sky City has changed over time. [Read blog post]
    • Caslys Releases New Geospatial Service: Caslys Consulting is proud to officially announce our new geospatial service to the remote sensing and GIS community, the Caslys Analysis Ready Data (CARD) Stack! CARD Stack is a technical resource focused on allowing our customers the ability to easily generate a comprehensive spatial data package customized to meet their unique project requirements. [Read blog post]
    • National Indigenous Peoples Day 2024: In the spirit of National Indigenous Peoples Day, our team at Caslys would like to share some resources provided by the W̱SÁNEĆ Nations leadership council whose traditional territory the Caslys office is located on. [Read blog post]


Cartography & GIS Services

Application & Web Development

Remote Sensing

Data Analysis & Information Management

Wildlife Decision Support

Environmental & Land Management

Resource Management

Urban Development & Regional Planning